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Food Regulatory
Genuine or Gimmick? A Compliance Perspective on ‘Nutritious’ Food Claims
Nov 4, 2024
Due to the growing interest in health and wellbeing, consumers are now engaging in a healthy and nutritious diet as the main way to improve their health, and food products with high nutritional value are seen as a key aspect in their dietary improvements5. As the saying goes, “we are what we eat”, making it crucial for us to understand the composition, nutritional benefits, and sources of our food. Key information such as ingredients used, allergy advice, and nutritional information of the food product are carried on the product label to guide consumers to make informed choices that align with their dietary needs and health goals.
From a health perspective, nutrition information on the label is particularly important as it is an effective approach to empowering consumers in choosing healthier products when planning their daily meals2. As consumers are becoming increasingly mindful, food products featuring nutrition or health-related claims tend to be more appealing and are often used by manufacturers as a marketing tool to highlight the product's positive qualities1,3.
However, it is essential to ensure that the claims provided for the product are accurate and truthful. This is because the food regulation
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